这两天微博上疯传“经济适用女”的圭臬,从身高到收入,可谓老到矜重;之前经济适用男的圭臬曾经让不少东说念主争相对号。在白富好意思、高富帅真假难辨的今天探花 小宝,经济适用男女对好多东说念主来说倒更显平定妥帖。
"Budget wife" is the female counterpart of "budget husband," a concept introduced at least four years ago. The 2009 publication of the book Me and My Budget Husband popularized the term, and its 2012 transformation into a TV drama series fueled the term's further spread.
经济适用女(budget wife)是经济适用男(budget husband)的对照版,经济适用男这一主意至少出现时四年前。2009年,一真名为《我和我的经济适用男》的书让这个说法赢得擢升,而2012年这本书改编的电视剧让这个词被更多东说念主熟知。
The word "budget husband" originates from the word "budget housing", government subsidized public housing for low-income households. As the name implies, budget husbands' economic power trails that of "diamond husbands" -- intelligent, educated, rich, and well-mannered men from respectable families. Nonetheless, a budget husband is the new ideal among Chinese female white-collar workers.
One of the main characteristics of a budget husband is that he be "normal." Not ugly but not too handsome; neither poor nor rich. In short: mediocre.
But this mediocrity promises stability. Budget husbands are reliable, both financially and emotionally. They will loyally stay at home and take care of the house; they will not go out to bars or have extramarital affairs. (Source: .theatlantic.com)
格差婚 status-gap marriage
(中国日报网英语点津 Helen)
探花 小宝